Distance is the ultimate frontier. Every one of us wishes they could hit that ball off the tee, and see it go far, far away. But not all of us can reach those distant lands for different reasons. What might help us is to choose one of the top golf balls for distance. If you do not have a fast swing speed, a ball that goes longer distances is your friend.

I have a slow swing speed, and honestly, I don’t know if it will be ever faster. Because of that, as many other golfers out there, I need a hand. The golf ball construction is different. Some are made for feel and more placed shots, and others are made for distance. It will depend on the number of pieces used to construct the ball, as well as on the material structure and the compression.

Image by Brandon Williams on Unsplash
Image by Brandon Williams on Unsplash

Top Golf Balls for Distance to Choose From

Below are some great options for golf balls that travel far.

  • Bridgestone e12 Contact – the new release from Bridgestone Golf with the contact force dimple technology that allows for more contact with the clubface to reach longer distances. Check the full review here.
  • Callaway Superhot – 3-piece ball designed for great spin and control around the green, as well as long distance off the tee and iron shots
  • Srixon Soft Feel – designed for long distances off the tee, more greenside spin, and a softer feel on pitches, chips, and putts. Check the full review here.
  • Titleist Velocity – produces high flight on all shots providing distance and quicker stopping on the green. Check the full review here.
  • Wilson Ultra 500 Distance – durable ball suited for beginners designed for long distances and optimal flight trajectory.

Technology Behind Golf Balls

Since the early days of the golf balls the technology and the materials used to make a golf ball have significantly changed. We have come a long way since the 15th-century featherie balls made of round leather pouch stuffed with chicken or goose feathers and usually coated with white paint. Nowadays we know how many pieces the golf balls are made of, if they are soft or hard, what the compression rate is, and if they are premium or not.

Here is a brief breakdown of the golf ball manufacturing. The whole process of making a golf ball in modern days is pure science. It starts with finding out how both professional and amateur players are expecting the golf ball to perform, as well as researching the materials that can improve that performance. At that point, several concepts for the market are created.

The next step is production, starting with the core as the most important piece. The core determines the spin ratio, as well as the feel and the compression. It is made from a mixture of rubber and other materials (kept a secret) that regulate the compression. After the mixture is ready, it is pressed and shaped into a round ball form. When it comes to the multi-piece balls, the next layers are added to increase the ball’s speed and distance.

The final layer, usually urethane, is added to improve the ball’s performance on the green. Finally, the ball is painted and ready for testing. The balls are tested with a simulator that simulates the ball’s speed and spin when hit with every club in the bag. After the testing is done, the best concept will be chosen and the new golf balls will be massively produced.

How Far Can a Golf Ball Travel?

This is a trick question, and in theory, there is no right answer. Golf balls could travel very far if hit with more power or launched from a cannon. What we do know is how far the golf ball is allowed to travel when hit with a golf club. The allowed distance for legal golf balls is regulated by the two top governing bodies in the golf world. Those are the R&A (from the United Kingdom) and the USGA (United States Golf Association).

The total distance allowed is 317 yards total, with an additional 3 yards being tolerated, so 320 yards in total. Testing is done with a machine that is set up with certain parameters. The golf balls must pass the test to be approved.

Here are some numbers when it comes to distance. There is a competition held annually, called The World Long Drive Championship. In the early days of the competition, in the late 70s’, it was enough to drive the ball just over 300 yards to have a shot at winning, nowadays that distance has to be over 400 yards. Justin James set the current record of 435 yards in 2017.

When it comes to a professional tournament, the record holder is Mike Austin who drove the ball 475 yards in 1974 at the Winterwood Golf Course in Las Vegas, Nevada. The average PGA Tour driving distance for the 2021 season to date is 295.2 yards, with the current leader’s driving distance being 323.5 yards. There are several heavy hitters on the PGA tour, and they are always entertaining to watch.

The Bomber

Bryson DeChambeau is a name a lot of golf enthusiasts will recognize. He has recently won the 2021 Arnold Palmer Invitational tournament held at the Bay Hill Golf Course in Orlando, Florida. Without a question, he is a complete golfer, known for high ball speeds, long drives, and calculated gameplay. On days 3 and 4 of the tournament, he had two spectacular drives on the 6th hole, 370 yards, and 377 yards respectively.

He has a major in physics and his nickname is “The Scientist” because of his approach to the game of golf. The tour’s true bomber, his strategy is to hit the ball the longest distance possible off the tee. Overall he is very successful with his plan, but not everyone will be able to hit it as long as DeChambeau does.

This style of play focuses first on distance, with accuracy being only in the second place of priorities. To be able to play like this your swing speed, clubhead speed, and ball speed would have to be high. That requires a lot of practice and a lot of strength.

Not everyone will have the time and resources to reach these levels. Unless you are a golf pro, you will have a moderate to slow swing speed and clubhead speed like most of us. However, we still want to see that ball go as far as possible. For that reason, there are some golf balls we can choose that are made to help us carry them a long way.

Aim It Right and Hit It Hard

The golf ball we choose to play with will have a big impact on our game, including how long we can hit it. However, it does not have magic powers to make us better golfers. It is all still down to us and how we manage the clubs while hitting the golf ball. Whether we play for fun or participate in tournaments it is always a great feeling when we have a good round.

It always comes back to basics. If we are doing all the basics right, there is a good chance we will be more satisfied with our game and the results will be more satisfying. Then we will be able to see the effects of choosing the right golf ball.

We might have to test a few different models before finding the most suitable one, but at the end of the day, it will be all worth it. Once you do find your top golf ball for distance just adjust the aim, hit it as hard as you can, and watch it go beyond your imagination.

Do you prioritize distance over accuracy? Which golf ball do you play? Share below!

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2 thoughts on “Top Golf Balls for Distance – Behind the Curtain”

  1. Hey Dan,

    Wow, what an insightful article! As an avid golfer always looking to improve my distance off the tee, I found your analysis of the top golf balls for distance truly fascinating. It’s amazing how technology continues to push boundaries and deliver impressive results. Your breakdown of the different ball constructions and their impact on distance has given me a better understanding of what to look for. Thank you for sharing this valuable information. Can’t wait to try out some of the recommended golf balls and see the difference in my game!


    • Hi Marios,

      Thank you for your comment. One of the most important things is knowing what to look for. I am glad I could help you with that. There are so many different ball types on the market, that it can be challenging to find what you need. I would say knowing your game is crucial when you are looking for a ball. If you have any questions, let me know. Good luck on the golf course!



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